A community garden means many things to many people. For some, a community garden is a place to grow food, flowers, and herbs in the company of friends and neighbors. For others, it’s a place to reconnect with nature or get physical exercise. Some use the garden to learn how to plant and grow the produce that they enjoy. Yet, others use the community garden simply because they lack adequate space to have a garden at their house or apartment. Many share a combination of these reasons as well as a commitment to providing healthy and safe food for community members who may not be able to provide it for themselves.

For The Garden at Cross Link to become a successful and vibrant community garden, it will rely on the dedication of each and every participant to contribute to the upkeep and management of the entire garden. There are many jobs that need to be done to help the garden run smoothly - not all of which require digging and planting. The adage “many hands make light work” is appropriate. If everybody pitches in according to their ability, resources, and desire, then the garden will prosper and grow.

Above all, The Garden at Cross Link can provide a real sense of satisfaction and accomplishment for all involved. When you choose to take part in the garden, it benefits the entire community, and we all reap the rewards: Food Production — Nutrition — Exercise — Mental Health — Sense of Community — Environmental Enhancements — Education — Hands-on-Learning for all Ages — Addressing “Food Deserts” in our Community.


“Weeding, Watering, and Harvesting in the Garden”

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 4:00-5:15pm
Saturday        9:00-11 noon

Monthly Zoom Meeting
4th Thursday of each month, 6:30-8:00p.m.

Wish to be added to the Garden Distribution List?
Forward your email to crosslinkgarden1201@gmail.com